The Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is a free, standardized reporting template created to facilitate the collection, consolidation and transmission along the supply chain of information regarding mineral country of origin and smelters and refiners being utilized.  The CMRT is updated at least annually.  You should be reporting your Conflict Minerals data on the latest version in order to ensure you are providing the data your customers require.

The CMRT was developed by the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) which is an initiative of the EICC ( Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition) and GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative).  The CFSI includes companies and industry associations from around the world working together to provide and improve guidance on best practices on responsible mineral sourcing.

The CMRT has become the standard for reporting across numerous industries.  While completing the CMRT can seem fairly straightforward the determination of what data to collect and how to document your efforts to meet due diligence requirements is a complex process for all but the manufacturers of the simplest parts.  We recommend tools such as CDX which can help you manage the data collection process as well as provide the documentation required to meet due diligence requirements.  With CDX you can manage data collection from all your suppliers and submission of data to all your customers regardless of whether they participate in CDX or not.  Between CDX and the CMRT you have got Conflict Minerals reporting tools are covered.

Contact us for to discuss your project and get a quote