The Compliance Data Exchange (CDX) is an online system used by suppliers in a variety of industries to report material and chemical substance content regarding parts supplied to their customers in response to the European Union’s REACH RegulationRoHS Directive and the United States Conflict Minerals Law.  CDX is constantly being updated and expanded to meet the evolving requirements of these laws as well as many others around the world.

CDX is managed by DXC Technology.  CDX allows a supplier to receive material and substance content information on the parts and materials from their sub-suppliers and consolidate this information in order to pass it along the supply chain. The goal of CDX is for OEMs to receive a full disclosure of all the substances that are contained within a given product.

The data submitted through CDX is placed into a Material Data Sheet (MDS) and submitted to customers.  Increasingly, companies within all industry sectors are requiring product substance declarations in order to meet regulatory requirements. Failure to provide the requested data can result in payments for tooling and initial orders not being released.

To assist companies with CDX RSJ provides the following:

  • Training – We teach your staff how to manage the data collection process and successfully input and submit data via CDX.
  • Company registration – We will register your company as a participant in CDX.
  • Data entry services – We do all the work involved in CDX data collection and management for you.
  • Coaching/Mentoring – We are available to assist your staff as subject matter experts.